Monday, July 27, 2009

monday munchies: accidental frenchie

In my weekend preview last week I promised a big reveal after Sunday. Since this is actually a project for another publication, I don't want to give too much away, but here's a few clues:

Sorry to be so vague, but I want to make sure your interest stays piqued. Gotta sell papers here folks! (Mom, hold the email -- remember "patience is a virtue.")

In addition to my mystery cooking, I've whipped up a couple of other treats. I got to return to the East Town Farmer's Market after two Saturdays out of town. It was hopping and I picked up all sorts of treats to complement my ever-growing CSA box from Rare Earth Farm.

Market haul of the week.

Tonight I went on a green tomato kick, using up the ones I bought at ETFM. I made fried green tomatoes for dinner and finding myself with a load of leftovers, and still more unused tomatoes, I decided to look up Green Tomato Pie. The former were addictive, and the latter, well, it's interesting. It tastes really delicious (a lot of lemon juice gets added), but I'm having a texture issue. I'll have to get some taste testers. Any volunteers? This also was my first true double-crust pie EVER. Go me!

Dwindling fried green tomatoes -- soooooo good!


Some other highlights of late:

Summer sandwich of goat cheese (ETFM), cucumber (CSA), tomato (CSA) and homemade cilantro walnut pesto (mostly CSA).

Raspberry (ETFM), mint (herb garden), lemonade (whole foods) -- de-light-ful

Raspberry Yogurt Parfait, drizzled with local honey

My mouth certainly has been dancing with the flavors of summer lately. I'm getting a delivery of sweet cherries and blueberries tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.


  1. I like that steak sauce is the ad that's pulling for this post. Because you eat steak. :)

  2. Looks like you got some awesome swag from the farmer's market. We haven't been to the East Side Market yet, but have been trolling West Allis most Saturdays with similar results.

    Also -- we saw your JSOnling feature ... and read your story about the Lobster Thermador. Great stuff! Can't wait to see your blog post. Congrats on being part of such an awesome challenge.

  3. Wow! All of that look so delicious!


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