Sunday, July 6, 2008

lunch boredom

Yes, I realize my blogging has been slacking lately.

I've been busy enjoying the Milwaukee summer and summerfesting quite a bit, as well as cheering on our Milwaukee Brewers.

Anyway, as the long weekend winds down, I find myself prepping for a full week of work. One of the toughest parts about the five-day week is not getting totally bored with your lunch options. Especially now that I'm in the middle-of-nowhere as far as office location goes. This is a good thing because it prevents me from dining out, but a bad thing in that I get weary of my pack-your-own options. I also try to avoid frozen meals at all costs because of the sodium factor, but have been falling into that trap more and more lately.

Enter the internet. I just googled "lunch not sandwiches" and came across the suggestion (in the comments on some random blog) to cook five chicken breasts on Sunday using different spices, sides, etc. and have those prepared for the week. Freakin' brilliant! This also avoids the sodium and nitrates in deli meats. So, I'm off to Metro market and then for a fun late afternoon of cookin'. Hopefully I will muster up the energy to post the results later on.

I did buy some new herbs yesterday (purple basil, dill and lemon verbena) at the East Town Farmers Market, so perhaps I'll integrate?

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